
What Do You Love About Yourself? -

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Did you pause? Do you feel uncomfortable answering that question?

It’s ok, I give you permission.

You can love yourself, and you should. 

What I love about myself is that I have a big heart, and I’m considerate of other people. Almost to a fault, as I assume everyone is like that, but they aren’t.

I’m not a yeller, I’ve worked hard on that one.

I love that I look at every situation as black and white, right or wrong.

I don’t take sides, and when I’m passionate about something being wrong, you can better believe it’s wrong. And I’m happy with what God gave me, small lips, no booty…no seriously…imagine a frog standing up, that’s my booty and legs, but I’m happy with it, and that’s a good thing. 

It took a long, long time for me to get here. I was telling my husband in the car that I wonder why I’m so offended when I get taken advantage of. Or someone tries to take advantage of me.

I think it goes back to moments in your life that really mold you into who you are today. 

In middle school and high school I literally had no self-esteem. My sister was known as the pretty one and I was known as the smart one. That was my way of getting attention, getting good grades.

I didn’t get Glamour Shots like my sister and mother, and to be my own person I acted like a tomboy and said I hated makeup. 

I was one of the first to get my drivers license because my birthday is early in the year.

Every cute boy who never paid me attention wanted a ride school and I did it. I did it just to look like I was friends with the popular kids.

And I also always went for the bad boy.  It’s like that is what I thought I deserved. They knew they were hot and were able to get away with being players, and I let them. 

I was laughing with a friend the other day about “Dave From Journeys.” How late 90s early 2000s does that sound?

In your best Valley Girl voice , say “Dave From Journeys.” Every girl in Valdosta during that time either dated Dave From Journeys, or wanted to. And he knew it. I was supposed to be dating (again in Valley Girl voice) Dave From Journeys, so I went to a party at his apartment. Dave From Journeys had Monica from Abercrombie hiding in his bedroom when I got there. I told Dave From Journeys I thought we should break up, and he said “I don’t think that’s necessary.” For the first time ever I said “oh it’s necessary” and I never went back to the player type again.

I heard a sermon once about why women stay in abusive relationships. The way he explained it made perfect sense to me. He described an animal in a cage, walking back and forth, back and forth. When the animal is lucky enough to be freed into the Wild, at first it doesn’t realize it’s free. It still walks back and forth, back and forth. It’s like the brain is conditioned to be in that environment.

We don’t understand that we are free into wild, and the world is our oyster. We are so beaten down with low self-esteem we walk back and forth, back and forth. 

Ladies and Gentlemen we are free. 

Your worth is not measured by the popular hot boy, or your abusive spouse, or your husband who makes good money and is prominent in the community…you are worth so much, that you are worth dying for.

You are a child of a King.

You, yes you, are Royalty. 

So, “love yourself enough to make requirements for your happiness. Enough to cut yourself loose from your drama-fueled past, enough to set a high standard for your relationships, enough to feed your mind and body in a healthy manner, enough to forgive yourself and enough to move on.”

Take that selfie, girlfriend!

Show that confidence!

Light that candle!

Not everyone is going to like you; your spirit is too much for their demons.

And that’s ok because you love yourself Anyway.

Now, let’s try this again.

What do you love about yourself?

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2019-03-30 18:59:29Z

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