
PCO finds love in TNA - Cageside Seats

Oh, love is in the air. In a wild moment to close Impact (May 16, 2024), PCO courted Steph De Lander with a black rose.

This dance of seduction traces back to Rebellion in April when SDL challenged Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts Championship. The match broke down into chaos with numerous run-ins. One such run-in was PCO to watch the Juggernaut’s back. That led to PCO face to face with De Lander. She tried to use feminine wiles, however, PCO resisted her allure. He goozled her for a chokeslam, but Big Kon made the save.

A few weeks later at Under Siege in a mixed tag match, PCO once again goozled SDL. She went back to her charm. This time, it worked. SDL soothed the savage beast with a caress. They even did a few dance moves. When PCO dipped De Lander, he leaned in for a kiss. Imagine what that monster’s breath smells like. That was more than SDL was bargaining for. Kon made the save again before lips were locked.

Fast forward to Thursday night in the Impact Zone. After SDL’s team won the Champions Challenge 16-wrestler tag match, the lights went out. PCO was wheeled out on stage on a gurney to be juiced with electricity for a resurrection. The French-Canadian Frankenstein brought his black sack of goodies to award De Lander with a flowery present. She reluctantly accepted his gesture of love. PCO felt the flow of energy to his nether regions, and SDL flashed an uneasy expression as Impact went off the air.

Wild times indeed.

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2024-05-17 04:30:00Z

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