
How Venus, Neptune Cazimi & The Quarter Moon Effect Each Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope Starting March 11, 2024 - YourTango

"Only love can teach us some life lessons." In 1897, a young girl, Virgina, wrote to the Chicago Sun questioning the myths of childhood, declaring that "If you see it in the Sun, it's so." The words penned back to the young girl by Francis Church have become immortal in describing all that which is unseen. As the depths of the Piscean waters deepen in the week of March 11, let these words echo in your heart, reminding you that there is so much more than what first appears to the eyes. 

"You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond."  

You are being asked to push aside the Neptunian veil and view the world beyond, the love that was always there and the lessons that led like stepping stones to what you've always desired. Venus will be the first wave of Piscean energy as it creates an aura of fantasy and hope around your love life, helping you believe in what you've always desired and have faith that nothing is impossible.

Then, like the cosmic hand of fate, the Neptune Cazimi in Pisces will peak on March 17, bringing a moment of fruition, awareness, and the ability to find clarity in what the purpose of your journey has been for the last fourteen years. This is a pivotal moment in your journey to understand what it means to love and to be loved. To release the soul ties of relationships that were only meant to be lessons and to embrace the wild epiphany of what love is truly meant to be.  

The First Quarter Moon in Gemini will rise along with the Neptune Cazimi, helping you see the divergence of two paths. One is your past self, or the part of you that was ruled by wounds and trauma, and another is your higher, healing, more mature self. Conversations will be especially intense during this time, and make no mistake — you will have to make a choice.

But rather than this binding you to an ending, instead, it sets you free toward the reward, knowing that the heartbreak and toil it took to reach this place will infinitely be worth it. It's time to see that while everyone may want love to last forever, sometimes the greatest gift another can give you is finally learning who you are apart from your wounds. 

Important Dates For March 11 - 17, 2024 

Monday, March 11 

The planet of love will slip into romantic and ethereal Pisces on Monday, March 11, supercharging your desires. Venus represents the love you give as well as the love that you hope to receive, while those with Venus in Pisces will be experiencing this more profoundly as it is a Venus Return. This transit can help boost your relationship and love life in the best possible way.  

Venus in Pisces is the dreamiest version of love. It's poetry, midnight musings, roses on your pillow, and the feeling that nothing is more important than the connection you create with another. This energy helps draw you away from conflict, helps ease any recent challenges, and focuses your time on truly embracing each opportunity for love that surrounds you.  

Sunday, March 17 

The First Quarter Moon will rise in Gemini at the end of the week, prompting you to lean into some important conversations just as the monumental Neptune Cazimi in Pisces peaks. A First Quarter Moon invites you to buckle down into what you want to create as you are faced with an obstacle that you are meant to overcome.

In this space, you signify to the universe that you are ready to receive everything you've been trying to manifest. With the Moon in Gemini, you should expect conversations to become important, especially those in which you have a choice between the path of your old self versus the new self you've been tending to.  

Sunday, March 17, also brings the dramatic Neptune Cazimi in Pisces, which, in many ways, is the big event for this planet's era in the water sign that represents faith, hope, unconditional love, and oneness. Neptune first entered Pisces in 2011 and will remain there officially until 2026.

However, in 2025, you will get your first taste of what Neptune in Aries will bring. Because of Neptune's long reign in its ruling sign of Pisces, the Cazimi on March 17 brings an opportunity to test how much you've learned and to help you put together any remaining pieces of what this transit is meant to teach you.  

Depending on where Pisces shows up in your natal chart, the meaning will be different, but for everyone, there should be a space of awakening, truth, and the ability to see what is real above anything else.

This is a time to increase awareness of your decisions and why. It will help you elevate yourself to find faith in what is real instead of choosing to wear rose-colored glasses. This is a time of fruition, but also rebirth, as you are ready to begin a new cycle in your life — and hopefully in your relationship as well.  

Weekly love horoscopes for each zodiac sign from March 11 - 17, 2024:


(March 21 - April 19)  

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, Neptune Cazimi in your house of soulmates 

Pisces reigns over the deepest part of your chart. While this is often known as where your dreams and intuition lie, it also holds a special promise of divine and unique love. You are moving through a space of really deciding what you want from love and a partner, with the Nodes of Fate working their magic. It seems that whatever you are going through is only leading you closer to the love you've always dreamed of.  

Neptune Cazimi in Pisces will bring a unique and special moment into your romantic life. This is your chance to honor how your romantic desires have changed and follow your heart. With this energy, you are craving a love that feels like it sets the world on fire or nothing at all. Trust in your instincts and let yourself see that there is a difference between just being with someone and the one that is really meant for you.  

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(April 20 - May 20) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, First Quarter Moon in Gemini in your sector of value 

The First Quarter Moon in Gemini will bring a moment of chance as you will be directed to honor what you've learned about yourself and your needs. This will provide a pivotal moment in your relationship to really stand up for what you are worth and to take your connection in an entirely new direction. You can't be afraid of saying what you really need. 

This is the place where your desires live, along with the hopes and dreams that you've had for love. Gemini wants to encourage you to talk, to open yourself, and to advocate for what you need from love. Use this energy to remember your worth and what is most important to you in life. Then, let this energy move you to make the positive changes you've been hoping for.  

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(May 21 - June 20) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, First Quarter Moon in Gemini in your house of truth 

In many ways, truth is regarded as the ultimate act of love. Being in love without truth is only an illusion, so as the First Quarter Moon rises in your sign of Gemini, take this as a chance to speak your full truth. Because Gemini rules the area of your life that governs truth, authenticity, and your beliefs, you may feel the need to confess that your connection isn't really meeting your needs and start asking for what will.  

It's important to remember, too, that Gemini represents a duality. Spend time reflecting on how you're feeling so you can ensure you're speaking from your heart rather than your mind. There's nothing wrong with letting your partner know how they can love you better. By being truthful about your beliefs about love and what you need, the only risk you take is finally receiving everything you've always wanted.  

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(June 21 - July 22) 

Best Love Day: Monday, March 11, Venus in Pisces in your sector of new beginnings 

It almost seems the universe is ringing bells around you announcing that a new beginning is on the horizon, and of course, it's coming at the most opportune time. Pisces' energy governs over your area of good fortune and new beginnings, signifying not just that you're on the cusp of something incredible but that it's guaranteed to be better than anything behind you.  

Venus is the planet of love, and in Pisces, it truly represents new possibilities and beginnings in love. But you're not going to find it doing the same old thing. Shake up your routine, venture out to new places, take that course, or book that trip. The more you get out of your routine, the more you will allow love to find you this time.  

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(July 23 - August 22) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, Neptune Cazimi in your house of transformation 

Pisces' energy had dominated your energy since March of 2023, when Saturn first moved into this sign. In this place, your focus has been on creating more profound intimacy in your relationship by embracing the process of transformation. Whether it's within an existing connection or a new relationship, you have been challenged to approach love differently and be open to falling for someone you would never have imagined. 

As Neptune Cazimi ripens in Pisces alongside Saturn, Venus, and the Sun, you will reap the rewards of your efforts from the last fourteen years. Reflect on 2011 and what began or has occurred since then, specifically around how you see change and approach love, especially that soul-deep connection. Now is your chance to choose what you really want and make every moment count.  

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(August 23 - September 22) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, Neptune Cazimi in your sector of relationships 

Pisces energy always brings a romantic focus to your life as it rules over your relationships. You've already been viewing love differently, allowing yourself to simultaneously surrender but also make choices that really will lead to the serious, committed relationship you desire. But now, there is a theme in your romantic life that is coming full circle. You just must remain aware to keep choosing the path of growth.  

The Neptune Cazimi in Pisces brings to fruition a major lesson in your life that began in 2011. Since then, you've gone through multiple lessons about what is real and how to heal your shadow side so it doesn't become an obstacle in your relationship. Think about how you communicate this week and the acceptance and grace you give your partner. Having a healthier relationship will always begin with the choices you make within yourself.  

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(September 23 - October 22) 

Best Love Day: Monday, March 11, Venus in Pisces in your house of determination 

You need to become certain about what you want from love and then become determined to pursue it. This has less to do with any specific milestones or superficiality and instead is about how you want to feel.

Boundaries will be crucial with this energy so you can protect yourself from anything or anyone who is only around to waste your time. There is nothing wrong with being selective and having high standards. In fact, you just may find love is easier when you stop compromising what it is you need.  

Venus, the planet of love, will shift into Pisces and give you the ability to be determined in the relationship you want to create or in the changes in an existing one. You've been working to become more fixed in speaking up for yourself rather than just agreeing for the sake of keeping the peace. Let this energy really motivate you to know in your heart what you want so that you never again deserve less.  

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(October 23 - November 21) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, Neptune Cazimi in your sector of commitment  

Just because certain relationships haven't worked out in the past doesn't mean that they won't in the future. A big part of being in the place to attract what you want or deepen your connection is to make sure you are choosing happiness. The relationship you choose will only reflect every other choice you are making in your life. Be sure to set the precedence for joy by focusing on your own life so that you can feel confident that whatever relationship you attract or further commit to will also help to make your life more of what you want.  

The Neptune Cazimi in Pisces does activate your sector of commitment, so whether it's meeting someone new that is significant or in an upcoming proposal, there is serious romance on the horizon. Try to remember that commitment is supposed to bring more to your life, whether it's more happiness, joy, or opportunity. And while this all begins within yourself, it's also okay to take a leap of faith for love and trust any growth that needs to happen.  

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(November 22 - December 21) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, First Quarter Moon in Gemini in your house of love 

Gemini energy governs your house of love, which always means that when this zodiac sign is activated, it will tend to bring up developments within your relationship. In this case, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini will highlight a crucial decision within your relationship —. Still, the Piscean energy in your house of home and healing is signifying that a major new phase may already be in the works. 

While you may be focusing on deepening your connection, buying a home, relocating, or expanding your family, there is an important choice that you need to make in the week of March 11 that can have a dramatic impact on your relationship. Gemini does represent duality. In this case, it's not just your head versus your heart, but what your human wants over what your soul needs. When in doubt, always go with the choice of your higher self.  

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(December 22 - January 19) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, Neptune Cazimi in your sector of vulnerability  

You may be a bit tired of how much the universe is prompting you to speak your truth and be vulnerable, but you must trust that it's all for a purpose. Neptune Cazimi in Pisces activates your communication sector but brings in the energy of vulnerability and higher emotional intelligence. It's not that you don't have a depth of feelings within yourself, but sometimes, you struggle to express them or feel like you deserve to.  

As the Neptune Cazimi peaks, take this as your chance to reflect on how you've grown since 2011. At that time, Neptune first entered Pisces and began the work of helping you honor your inner truth and no longer hide from yourself.

Trust in yourself and your partner around this time and let yourself truly choose the path of self-growth and emotional vulnerability, knowing you are just as worthy as your partner, not only to have feelings but also to have your needs met.  

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(January 20 - February 18) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, First Quarter Moon in Gemini in your house of marriage 

The week of March 11 may prove to be incredibly interesting for you as the First Quarter Moon rises in Gemini, activating your sector of marriage. While a deeper level of commitment is on the horizon for you, it may also involve blending families and discussing what it means to share your life more fully with your partner.  

Talk yourself into knowing that you are reading for this new chapter in your romantic life. Even if you're still not one hundred percent confident, remember that's never the goal. To be able to make a decision, focus on being 75% sure of your choice, as the mind will always come up with fears or doubts to cloud your judgment. The proposal, or commitment offering, may not come traditionally with the energy this week but instead may truly speak to your free-spirited nature — but because of that, there's no way you'll be able to say no.  

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(February 19 - March 20) 

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17, First Quarter Moon in Gemini in your sector of domestic intimacy 

Gemini energy governs your childhood healing, domestic intimacy, and where you call home. This area of your life is set to be a major focus in 2024 as Jupiter will shift into this air sign in May. Because of this, the events that arise with this lunation may prove to be more pivotal than most, as you might get a sneak preview of events to come.  

The First Quarter Moon in Gemini may ask you to take a risk for love. Whether trusting a new relationship or deepening an existing connection, you need to choose your healing and trust in your growth. Don't take the easiest path. Instead, allow yourself to see that you truly deserve everything coming to you, so all that's left to do is simply open to receive it.  

RELATED: Your Karmic Soulmate, Based On Your Moon Sign

Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website

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